Facebook Banking Headed Your Way!

Social media is changing at rapidfacebook banking speed with new features and uses almost every year. Recently, I’ve noticed the increase in social media sites that allow monetary transactions and encourage e-commerce. Many social media sites have been strongly attempting to manage our coins and it is listed as a trend in Ryan Holmes article, ” 5 Trends That Will Change How You Use Social Media in 2015“.

Yesterday, I posted on Facebook that I wanted to sell my college football ticket. While I was messaging the potential buyer, I noticed the dollar sign icon in the Facebook messenger app. I decided to embrace the convenience and asked the buyer to send it via Facebook messenger. I was beyond nervous and very skeptical. The money has been deposited into my bank account and I’m a satisfied customer.

I look forward to more social media sites jumping on board and making it easier for those of us who are a little lazier than others. I may have to increase identity protection, but I’m willing to take the chance. 

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